Soccer Vs Football: 12 Significant Differences

/ March 14, 2022/ American Football, Football

Comparing different sports is a fascinating thing to do. Many sports have a lot of differences but also many similarities.In this post, I will show you the differences and similarities between soccer and football. I’ll also give you an in-depth exploration of how this affects both sports. The 12 differences between soccer and football: When each sport was invented The

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/ February 28, 2022/ American Football, Sport

ORIGINS OF THE FOOTBALL CALLED RUGBY Back in the 19th century, British public schools played many of the same ball games as football and rugby today.  While all of these involve two teams and one ball, there are a lot of differences in everything, such as how one’s hands are used and how one can handle an opponent. Because of

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/ February 28, 2022/ American Football, Sport

You can see that the game called American Football does not refer to the fact that it is a ball game mainly played with feet. Yes, there is kick in the game of American football but its name is a sport that derives from its origins as a form of Rugby. Although a game that has evolved into a significantly

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History of the Soccer Ball: From Origin to Modern Day

/ February 22, 2022/ American Football, Football

The soccer balls you see players using today are significantly different from when they were first created. I’ve put together this guide to show you how the soccer ball has developed throughout history and where the modern-day ball has come from. The history of the soccer ball dates back to the mid-1800s when Charles Goodyear patented vulcanized rubber and created

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American Football Formations Explained: I-Formation

/ February 18, 2022/ American Football, Sport

Football Formations Explained There are various ways a football team can line up before the ball is snapped, but identifying what kind of formation a team is in can be very confusing to someone who is new to the game. You’ll often hear keywords such as shotgun, i-formation, blitz, 3-4, 4-3, etc. Without any knowledge, this can make a once

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American Football Formations Explained: Singleback

/ February 17, 2022/ American Football, Football

A singleback formation, sometimes known as a “single set back”, occurs when a single running back is lined up about five yards behind the QB. There is no fullback to help with blocking, and he is usually replaced with an additional wide receiver or tight end. While you can run out of this formation, it is primarily used in passing

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A brief history of American football

/ February 16, 2022/ American Football, Football

The game we know today as American football came into being, borne out of the English sports of soccer and rugby. What was created in the late 19th century is now incredibly popular with millions watching games, betting on games, and scrambling the internet to find the NFL playoff odds. It is incredible to think of how quickly this game grew

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Who Invented American Football?

/ February 16, 2022/ American Football, Football

The sport we in the United States know and love as football is more properly called gridiron football, for the vertical yard lines that mark the field. Closely related to two ancient English sports—rugby and soccer (or association football)—gridiron football originated at universities in North America, primarily the United States, in the late 19th century. On November 6, 1869, players

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American Football Formations Explained: Shotgun

/ February 14, 2022/ American Football, Football

Shotgun The shotgun formation takes place when the QB no longer lines up directly behind the center, but is about five yards behind him. This allows for the QB to have a better view of the field, as well as gives him more time to throw the ball. The formation has many variations, including the standard version, the spread, trips,

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American Football Formations Explained: Pro Set

/ February 14, 2022/ American Football, Football

The pro set occurs similarly to an I formation, only the two backs line up 5 yards behind and to the sides of the QB, as opposed to a straight line. This set was developed for teams that had great pass catchers but wanted to involve their running backs in the passing game as well. It allowed the running backs

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