Horse Racing – The Basics

/ May 29, 2019/ News, Sport

Betting on horse racing is really like betting in any other sport, once you know how it’s easy. Personally, I feel that if anyone has the understanding of football bets and in particular Asian handicaps, then staking on horse racing should be a doddle in comparison. It’s like anything, once you understand how to do it you will wonder why you didn’t start a long time ago.

Betting in horse racing has some real clear advantages that no other sport can boast. Horse racing usually occurs every single day of the year and therefore provides a repetitive method of achieving an income stream. In certain cases, bookmakers can place odds on specific horses that in no way shape or form represent the chance that the horse has, and therefore greater returns and value can be achieved. One of the most appealing aspects though is the policy that the vast majority of mainstream bookmakers offer of ‘best odds guaranteed’ which when you have taken a price on a winning horse, and it has started at a greater starting price, then you receive the best odd, thus again providing you with yet more chance of yielding a healthy return from your investments.

The only real negative that we can see in being involved in horse racing is that there is a vast amount of information and data that is attributable to each and every race, and therefore if you are trying to win at horse racing, a great deal of time and effort has to be inputted in order to give you the greatest chance of returning profit on a consistent basis. I say this as a negative as in football, for example, there are far fewer teams to analyze, fewer matches and leagues and associated news is constantly being relayed, and therefore you can quite easily gain a reasonable understanding as to the outcome of games. Compare this to horse racing where there are hundreds of horses, different codes of flat turf, all weather and national hunt fences, hurdles and bumpers, handicaps, jockeys, trainers, racecourses, going conditions and stall positions.

We believe that this along with associated low successful strike rates tends to push followers of sports betting to avenues other than horse racing.

This is where a reputable horse racing tipster service can come in and help advise as to the correct staking plans, betting pools, and most important selections to help you achieve profitable returns from sports investments in horse racing.

Horse racing can really be an enjoyable way to return profits from sports investments. The only decision to make is how you approach this. You can choose a tipster that targets high odds at low stakes and low strike rates with a high betting pool, or alternatively like us, a tipster that targets high strike rates with a smaller betting pool amount and a consistent return.

Once you have decided upon the tipster of your choice all you have left to do is to place the bet on the advice given. Please find below a brief description as to the general bets that are placed on a horse race, when placing a bet with a mainstream bookmaker:

This is when you place your entire stake for the horse in question to win. Returns will only be achieved if the horse finished 1st.

Each Way
This is when you place half of your stake on your horse to win and half of your stake on the horse to place. For example, if the advice was to place 5% total each way, you would place on the bet 2.5% and it will be double automatically to 5% on completion. Here if a horse was to win, you would receive the winning odds at 2.5% stake, plus a ¼ of the odds at 2.5% as the horse was placed. Likewise, if the horse finished 3rd and placed you would lose the win 2.5% stake but receive a ¼ of 2.5% place stake.

This is virtually the same as the Each Way bet but you don’t place half of the bet to win. You simply place your advised stake on the horse finishing in the placings.

SP is a term for Starting Price and will provide you with the odds that are present when the race starts. This will be applicable on Win, Place & Each Way bets also.

On a betting exchange like Betfair, the method of bet is slightly different and is described as follows:

This is exactly the same as the Win method above and you are betting on the horse finishing in 1st place.

This is when you are betting on a horse to lose, simple as that.

This is exactly the same as the Place method above and you are betting on the horse being placed.

This is a term for Betfair Starting Price. Again it will provide you with the odds present when the race starts but it will be the odds available within the Betfair exchange. More often than not these will be greater than the standard mainstream bookmaker SP. One thing to remember is that Betfair does not provide best odds guaranteed and also if you wish to take a price when placing a bet on either Back, Lay or Place, you must click on the Exchange button. Failure to do this will leave you betting on the BSP only.

Hopefully the above gives you an insight into how accessible and profitable following
a horse racing tipster can be, and how a sports investment venture can be enjoyed in
this manner.

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